Use custom color accents with terracotta tiles.
by LuxeSpecs
by LuxeSpecs
This topic is included as more than once I have been on site and the HVAC installers show up and start asking questions about the layout. If the documents say changes must be approved then their suggestions for how the system would function better need to go back to the architect. If that is not specified then you may be doing a new layout and it affects wall space for furniture and cabinetry that may already be specified! It can also change the access for maintenance of the units.
An air handler in a garage is one thing. Above the kitchen in the attic with access through the pantry ceiling another!
Another time on a project, there wasn’t duct work connecting the first floor to the partial second floor and the solution to run the vertical duct eliminated a foot of the guest headboard wall. On and on.
A professor at Arizona State University, Tom Witt, said there is nothing that architects know that designers don’t need to know. Another of my design contemporaries, David Michael Miller, has his drafting person sitting next to him and David oversees any and all changes. I stopped in one day to ask if a design was mine even though I had allowed the contractor cutting the 3 form panels to add a curve to one piece.I love collaboration but when it comes to owning your design for submittal to publications or for design competition, the furniture maker, cabinet maker, lighting expert or architect need to be recognized as well.
by LuxeSpecs
Select wood, natural stone, porcelain tile or other tiles or carpet for interest and visual continuity. Again, look at local and online sources to brainstorm. The base material can be a more simple pattern if the spaces have area rugs. Patterned floors? Simple and smaller rugs. Cozy, small bedrooms are about the only place carpeting is being used at present, but carpet can be cut and bound for area rugs. For large scale area rugs, cut and paste is still used and relatively inexpensive.
Establish walking paths in durable material.
You can change from stone to wood for variety. Or plan rug placement to add interest if needed.
by LuxeSpecs
Develop a book of fireplaces you like. Yes, Pinterest has pictures but I have more in my own book and I can spread the coordinating photos out for every fireplace needed along with the other materials to be used in the area.
After establishing the look you are after, start finding the materials to be used. You may initially paint or add detailing but as your career evolves so will the changes to the fireplaces. Linear fires need exterior access for the gas line. Do you want a hearth? If you’re adding a TV above the fireplace, proportion is key. We are in a contemporary design phase with high ceilings currently.
The contractor should assist with material choices and the fabrication of these changes. Bring all of the materials that are in the style and color range or find something to work around and build from that sample. Start your collection of great looks!
by LuxeSpecs
You have to determine the options in your area. There are many small cabinet makers in small and largely populated areas, but do you want their look?
Companies like Poggenpohl, Eggersmann and Downsview have varied looks, good reputations and many options for both the exterior finishes and cabinet style and interior details. Some are modular so your spacing is determined by this.
A custom cabinetmaker (often seen on HGTV) is able to fill the entire space wall to wall, floor to ceiling so it is a great option but they may not be able to duplicate the look or interior detailing you are looking for.
Check out Bulthaup for detailing. We also have Linear Fine Woodworking with exotic woods and interesting lighting details. These individualized companies are all over the country. IKEA and other suppliers have modular options. A more complete list of cabinet makers in on the LuxeSpec’s Cabinetry Page.
The hardware needs to be supplied to the cabinetmaker or on site at installation.
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