The ambience of a wine tasting area appeals to many homeowners. This may involve a chilled wine storage area or just wine racking and a table for two.
by LuxeSpecs
by LuxeSpecs
The following are practical options in homes that all price ranges are gravitating toward:
by LuxeSpecs
Outdoor kitchen options are increasing as companies offer more durable appliances that will withstand the temperature changes. Refrigerators and wine coolers are options to consider with the sink, the bar area and the grill. Add a pizza oven or a Big Green Egg! Either can be used alone or integrated into a kitchen. For great cooks the result may be fine dining!
by LuxeSpecs
What’s up with roofing? Most people don’t think about their roof until it leaks or the home inspector tells the buyer there are problems! Properly done, a roof in Arizona (This varies greatly by climate.) can last 30 – 40 years with proper maintenance. Check for cracks or other damage every year and repair when necessary.
by LuxeSpecs
When remodeling take every ceiling and door way to a least 8’ and raise as many ceiling above 8’ as you can afford. I tour luxury homes every other week and hear the feedback of the realtors selling luxury homes. They recognize low ceilings as older sections of the house that have not been remodeled. Use 9’ – 10’ feet for secondary rooms and 10’-14’ for larger areas. Continuous 8’ ceilings are boring and too low to add ceiling details like beams.
The main entertainment/living area should have at least 10’ ceilings. Ten to fourteen feet for rooms that are in excess of 20’ x 20’ A high ceiling in a small room has an uncomfortable feel. An overly high ceiling in a large room needs attention to detail in the upper half of the room that adds another cost factor and reduces the feeling of intimacy that many people find appealing. Hire the best professionals available to get the right guidance as proportion and scale are the most important factors in a room feeling finished and comfortable.
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